OT assessments are strongly recommended to start the course of treatment. The assessment helps the therapist to develop a treatment plan that targets the child's specific difficulties and builds on his/her strengths. During the initial phone interview with the parents or other caregiver we make recommendations as to which assessment(s) are indicated depending on the child's challenges and needs. If a child has had an occupational therapy assessment in the past, the Occupational Therapist will read it and determine if additional assessments may be necessary before starting treatment.

We offer a comprehensive gross and fine motor assessment as well as a comprehensive sensory assessment.


Gross and Fine Motor Assessment: Clinical observations and standardized assessments are used to assess the child in all performance areas (self care, productivity and leisure). We assess underlying motor skills such as muscle tone, strength, integration of reflexes, bilateral integration, postural control, motor planning, dominance, balance, body awareness and behavior. We also assess fine motor skills, graphomotor skills, printing/handwriting skills, and visual perception/ visual motor skills. Standardized assessments such as the MABC, DTVP, and McMaster Handwriting Assessment are used to determine level of performance and delay. Each assessment also includes a parent interview, questionnaire and Short Sensory Profile screening.

The assessment takes 2 hours (taking into consideration the child's ability to stay focused) and is usually done in the morning to ensure the child's best performance. After the evaluation, the OT will discuss the assessment findings with you and provide preliminary recommendations specific to your child. A written report including a detailed explanation of your child's abilities and challenges and appropriate, practical recommendations will follow 2-4 weeks after the assessment. If treatment is indicated, we do our best to offer the child the next available spot. If you have reports from other health care professionals, they can offer a greater understanding of  your child.


Sensory Processing Assessment :

This assessment is used to determine the child's ability to interpret sensory input and to develop a treatment plan and sensory recommendations. Prior to the appointment parents will complete the Sensory Profile of Winnie Dunn, OT. This standardized assessment measures the child's ability to process sensory information and profiles the effect of their sensory processing on functional performance during daily life. Sensory processing, modulation and behavior and emotional responses are measured. The therapist will score it before the assessment appointment, so she can be prepared to make suggestions. Parents and caregivers meet with the OT to review the child's Sensory Profile and discuss the child's sensory history and sensory preferences. Together they develop an individualized plan to help the child feel and do better in all aspects of the day, including play, social-emotional performance, self-care, and school performance. A detailed written report with the sensory history, Sensory Profile results and recommendations for school and home will be provided 3-5 weeks after the meeting.